Showcasing Your Personality

1About the Author: Criss is a full time mother, public servant and artist. She has 2 kids, four rescue dogs, a rescue fiance, a rescue horse that she can’t ride and 28 and counting chickens.  She has a passion and love for preserving history and storytelling.

Webster’s dictionary says that heritage is something handed down from the past.  Your photographs should showcase you and your personality at that moment in time so they can be the heritage that your children and grand children inherit.  Here in the Tyler area, that can mean anything from a lifestyle senior session of you fishing on Lake Tyler.

High School Senior that is on the fishing team, Lake Tyler portraits

To “that laugh”….. You know that laugh, and every friend and family member of yours could identify you in a crowded room from that laugh of yours.  Even seeing a photograph of you laughing causes them to “hear” that laugh of yours.


Preserve your heritage.  The last thing your children will ever have of you will be photographs.  Make sure you’re in them!



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