Eweni & Thompson Engagement (and Family) Portraits

Amber & Ashton, high school sweethearts, live in the DFW area with their adorable toddler Jace.  They’re both from Tyler, TX so they are getting married in their home town at the Tyler Rose Gardens on August 20th!

All of my wedding clients receive a complementary engagement session and with their wedding FAST approaching we had to coordinate them in the dead heat of summer with 100+ degree temps + 90% humidity.  (Good thing they’re Texas natives 💁)

Here they are looking cool as a cucumber….

I’m originally from the DFW area and most of my family lives there, so I immediately thought of the Dallas Arboretum but then I was warned about how much more humid it is in the gardens. 😫 Wilted clients are just not cute (or happy). After talking it over with some other photographers Amber and I decided on the Fort Worth water gardens, thinking that it “might” be cooler if we happen to have a breeze. WHEW we lucked out and although it was hot as….well you know those sayings…. we did manage to occasionally catch a breeze.


Safety is a big concern at the water gardens especially with a toddler in tow for the shoot. There are some deep (but beautiful) fountains with motors that have a lot of suction.  There is no swimming signs posted everywhere.  Jace however was the most well behaved toddler that I have every seen in a public place.  I was sorely tempted to see if Amber & Ashton wanted to trade a toddler for a teenager!


I loved how Jace’s outfit coordinated with mom and dad. Bringing in elements of both of their wardrobes brought the whole look together without looking too “matchy”.

Their wedding is THIS Sunday (and the temps are supposed to be in the 90s 😬)  So stay tuned for what is sure to be some beautiful wedding portraits at the Rose Gardens!


My Philosophy : Pictures are our way of capturing a sliver of time, a moment, so that we can tell it back to ourselves later. It’s my job to capture that moment for you in all its intensity and beauty so that you can hold onto it through times both bad and good.  My passion is storytelling, I just use a camera instead of a words.


Criss can be found floating around on her  Website,   FacebookInstagram, or Twitter accounts when she’s not running around the house in her cape or digging in the dirt in East Texas.

Time & Wedding Timelines


As I sit here drinking my glass of wine trying to use my time that I think I have to sit and type this, I’m being glared at by two teenagers who seem to think that staring at me will make me use my time to cook them dinner, like I feel like parenting tonight or something! Surely there’s some kind of law that says teenagers should be able to cook their own meals at this age? So they’ll keep staring and I’ll keep typing and making pointed looks at the cabinet that contains the ingredients for a healthy, filling, PB&J sandwich.

Stay tuned for my Mother of the Year award acceptance speech! – Image via Morguefile

When I think about time (not in philosophical ways, that’s waaaay to deep of a subject for this blog) I think back to one of my first weddings many moons ago. The bride wanted to pay me for 2 hours of services and of course she assured me that we would be able to fit the getting ready, wedding, bride & groom portraits, bride with family portraits, bride with groom and family, bride with bridesmaids, groom with bridesmaids……. etc. etc.. portraits in that two hours. It was only pictures for goodness sake and all I was doing was clicking the shutter. Oh HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA……I was so dumb….. Do you know how long it takes to wrangle drunk uncle Bob into portraits and get him to stop making those stupid faces (or grabbing a bridesmaid’s ass)?

So now, during consultations, brides & grooms and I go over a sample timeline of mine so we can decide which moments they truly need time for and which moments are not important for me to capture for them and I would like to share this with everyone! (Because I’m just super awesome like that.)

^^^ Important Moment ^^^

1:00 – 3:00 Bridal Party Hair & Makeup – two hours or longer depending on how many in the party and how many professionals you have working on you! I will use this time to also photograph the rings, the dress by itself, and some detail shots of the venue.

3:00 – 4:00 Bride & Groom getting dressed (and everyone else getting dressed) there WILL be a last minute emergency that has to be addressed (such as a bride needing duct tape to get her dress on, or when someone has to run to get the rings out of the groom’s house! )

In her defense, she became pregnant AFTER the beautiful wedding gown was purchased!

4:00 – 4:30 B&G First look – One day I will write a blog post about why I love the first look (when I have time) but ultimately this part is completely up to the bride and groom and their wants.

5:00 – 6:00 Wedding – Yes, you told the minister that you wanted to keep it short and sweet but trust me, some of them think short and sweet equals 45 minutes instead of the 15 minutes you were thinking. Also everyone getting into their places (and the likelihood that you will be running behind) will take longer than you think.

6:00 – 6:30 Hugs and Greetings – Some enthusiastic wedding planner will insist that everyone wait for you two at the reception. There might even be an announcement. Plan for half of the people to think that this will not apply to them.

6:30 – 7:00 Herding – If you hired a planner (even a day of planner will do) then congrats, most likely you and your party will not be doing the herding of people for family portraits!

7:00 – 8:00 (ish) Family & B&G Portraits – Now part of these can be moved to a different time. Such as during the time we allotted for the first look or if there’s time after getting ready. Bride with family and groom with family can be done at the same time if you have purchased a package with two photographers present so the B&G don’t see each other before the wedding. If you do a bunch of separate poses for each family member. Such as Bride with mom/dad/sibling and groom with mom/dad/sibling. These formal images can take much longer. And generally, besides the wedding, these are some of the most cherished images! So allot yourself plenty of time for these images. I say 10 minutes for a single photographer per group and another 30 minutes just for the bride and groom alone if this wasn’t done at the first look (generally everyone else will be asked to make their way to the reception area during this time).

8:00 – 10:00 Reception – Food, cake cutting, bouquet tossing, first dances, speeches, photographs with all the tables, any formal photographs not taken after the wedding, present opening and the exit can be completed in two hours or less. We can even fake the final exit early so there’s absolutely no reason for me to bother you again!

As you can see for your average to large wedding, you will need at least 6 – 8 hours of time.

So when you meet with your planner, photographer, catering company etc. with a guest list 300 people long and you look them dead in the eye and say “This is only going to take 2 hours.” That look on their face, is the look of disbelief from experts in the field who have many weddings under their belt.

Do us all and yourself a favor and pad your schedule with plenty of time so you don’t feel stressed out and rushed to get through one of the most important days in your life.



“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” –Jim Rohn

About the Author: Criss is a full time mother, public servant and artist. She has 2 kids, four rescue dogs, a rescue fiance, a rescue horse that she can’t ride, two geese, 8 ducks and 38 and counting chickens.  She has a passion and love for preserving history and storytelling.1acropped-phoenix-rhys-logopinkgreywatermark.png


Make My (xxxx) Smaller – Larger – Firmer – Taller – Prettier -Uglier in Photoshop (the not so fugly truth)

Before you ask down in the comment section, YES, it has been requested that I make someone uglier.  Specifically a bridesmaid that (to the bride) looked better than her.  I think she was joking……

Why You Hate Photos of Yourself

Your mirror is F***ing You

Seriously, you’re not fugly (probably). It’s just science that makes you think you are. I mean, I’m a photographer for goodness sake.  I have been for over 15 years and I still absolutely despise most images of myself and I KNOW how to pose my body to my advantage. Also, I am confident person, I don’t have body image issues. I can stand in the mirror prepping for a session, think heck yeah I look good, Look at that sexy bitch! (You do it too, don’t lie) then a client or my assistant will take a BTS (behind the scenes) photo and I’m like…. NOOOOO… how can I post that? I look hideous! OMG why didn’t someone tell me the top of my crack (love handles, bra bulge, bra strap, double/quadruple chin) was showing when I knelt down? (Seriously people, let a girl know if her crack is showing)


Check out the cartoon artist HERE


So who do I blame?

Because of an effect called “mere-exposure,” people react more favorably to things they see more often. Like their mug in the mirror everyday! A psychologist named Robert Zajonc, who formulated mere-exposure, tested this with everything from shapes, to facial expressions, even nonsense words. Since we see ourselves most frequently in the mirror, this is our preferred self-image. According to the mere-exposure effect, when your slight facial asymmetries are left unflipped by the camera, you see an unappealing, alien version of yourself.  In case you didn’t know, the more symmetrical your face is the prettier/handsomer you are (supposedly).  But very few people have perfectly symmetrical faces. So when you see your face swapped, and others telling you how awesome your photographs are but you think they’re hideous, remember that you’re not seeing the everyday face in the mirror but this is how your friends and family see you! (Don’t cry)


On the left is how I see myself (my preferred image)- The right is how other people see me :Photo Credit: Bree (my 11 y/o daughter)


The camera’s “eye” is better than yours – Your brain is better than the camera

Our eyes see color differently at different light levels than a camera.  Typically, if you saw an image of mine prior to processing, it would appear darker than the final edited images but the color would look  a lot brighter than it appeared to your eyes in person. Also, cameras freeze motion and allow us to see details that are typically not noticeable while a person is in motion. Those two sun spots on your face, no one really notices them when you’re standing around talking to them or walking by. The camera however latches on to every little detail and captures them forever (and ever and ever) and in a sharp focus.

Why can / can’t you Photoshop me (more) beautiful?

Different photographers and editors do things differently based on their personal style and tastes. Some think PS is a no no – (besides basic light & color adjustments) you should never change how a person appears, it’s insulting. Some like to  make their clients look like a plastic doll.

Personally, when I edit client images, I like to edit out things that were either my fault (that belly lump because I didn’t pose the client well or notice that DANG HAIR BAND on their arm), or things that aren’t permanent on their body (acne, stray hair, redness, bruises, those weird marks your skin makes when you’re cold, minor tan lines etc.) If I know prior to editing, that a client has a special request (like removing a scar) I will take care of those as well. Most clients never realize I’ve even done so much work. I just want people to feel good about themselves, so I’m going to present them with the best (realistic) them possible!

This is a typical client edit with minor changes made all because of Photographer error (and the redness because she was chasing her child around in previous shots)



This is an example of the amount of PS work I will not do for a client without them paying a per hour PS creative fee.  It’s not you, and unless it’s for some special project why would you want an image that didn’t represent you at all? Also, if this wasn’t a silhouette it would take hours to do and look realistic.


“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” Amy Bloom



Newborn Portraits 17 Years in the Making

Angela & Jeremy have waited around 17 years for this little miracle named Jax.  After years of negative pregnancy tests, they began fostering their precious boy Caleb (AKA: Monster) when he was a few months old.

a usual pose for Monster & his daddy

Shortly after Caleb turned 2 (and just after them officially being awarded permanent custody of Caleb) , Angela began having pregnancy symptoms.  Friends kept telling her to go take a pregnancy test but after having been disappointed so many times over the last 17 years, she really didn’t want to take another one just for it come up negative again. Plus she was almost 40, there’s no way she was pregnant now after all these years of trying!


But apparently there’s a higher power that has a plan because after cajoling from family and friends she took the test and the rest, they say, is history.

Not entirely enough months later due to complications, baby Jax was born on November 22, 2016 at 5:38 P.M. and weighed in at a little over 3lbs.  A month later, Jax finally got to have his newborn portrait shoot and he is absolutely adorable! (and the spitting image of mommy but don’t tell daddy…shhh).  Here’s some of my favorite Jax newborn portraits!

Photo by special request from daddy





What to do if You’re Incapable of Dressing Yourself Like an Adult

About the Author: Criss is a full time mother, public servant and artist. She has 2 kids, four rescue dogs, a rescued fiance, a rescue horse that she can’t ride and 27 and counting chickens.  She has a passion and love for preserving history and storytelling.


Confession time…. I am 32 years old and I don’t know how to dress like an adult.  It’s sad I know. I have a closet FULL of clothes that looked really good on the rack, or you know in that dressing room, pouring sweat trying on outfit, after outfit, AFTER OUTFIT  and finally saying screw it and buying something.

I have an average body size that also happens to be an inverted triangle shape so a football player’s shoulders and chest with the no ass/hips at all syndrome. Only 5% of the female population has this shape so YAY me….not… Also average… size 10-14 M/L but above average height at 5ft 8inches.  Which means most “normal” clothes are made for women smaller than me and curvy girl clothes are made for women with, well, CURVES, which I decidedly lack. If you would like to have a cry for me now that’s okay, It’s pretty much all I did when shopping after I shot above my size 7 after having children. Let’s just say I’m built like a man….

I know I have talked before about how I learned to put make up on via YouTube, so after some serious personal reflection I set out to see if there was such a thing as a “reasonably priced” online personal stylist. The only think I’ve ever worn for 10 + hours a day since I was 17 is a uniform and those were provided for me (but not very stylish).


Enter Trunk Club.  I had heard of stitch fix, which is a subscription service that charges you $25 a month (and you either use the money for a purchase or lose it) but had never heard of TC.



What is Trunk Club (TC)? It’s a styling service for MEN and WOMEN that costs $25 per trunk (not month) as of October 3rd 2016 and you can request a trunk whenever, it’s not a subscription service.  HOWEVER, that $25 is an account credit to use on any purchase in any trunk. You have a personal stylist, my stylist’s name is Maddy and she is awesome! Your stylist will pick outfits for you based on your needs, body type, likes etc.  She will even tell you how to WEAR the said outfit.


You’ll get a trunk notification, review and approve (or disapprove an item(s), then the trunk full of clothes/shoes/jewelry (approx 12-15 pieces) will be delivered for FREE to your front porch!

Returns are also free; you just request a pick up via your handy dandy app. You don’t have to purchase anything from the trunk and you have five days to review your trunk for anything you want to keep.  It’s like the world’s best game of dress up except you don’t have to stand in those stupid dressing rooms with the employees tapping on the door every few minutes asking, “Are you okay in there?” I think they hear my huffing and puffing away.  Or maybe crying…..


Now here’s where you have to be completely honest with yourself and your stylist. You have to tell her about your body shape (Which I don’t think Maddy realized at first how much I wasn’t exaggerating about my shoulders for the first trunk) your size, colors you like or don’t like, budget etc.

When I first talked to Maddy, I told her that as a business woman I was in need of business clothing that would be appropriate for me when I was photographing weddings.  I also needed nice business casual clothing for networking get togethers and conferences that I have coming up. I ALSO had a requirement that I must be able to move in the clothing ie: squat, bend over, etc AND that since it’s 100 degrees in E.TX until October the items can’t be hot.  That’s not a long list of requirements right? You see my struggle. Also, no black. Or at least not all black colors.  I want to step outside of my “black makes me look slimmer” comfort zone.

Look I know skinny jeans are not good for my frame type.  But what else do you buy when jeans fit your butt & thighs but cause a muffin top.  Or fits your waist but it appears you’re wearing a baggy dirty diaper on your butt?


Maddy informed me that my first trunk would be for her to get to know me and my tastes and not to expect perfection on this one, it would be followed up with a second trunk.

Trunk Club is owned by Nordstrom so this is high end clothing that is going to last.  It also means that these clothes aren’t Old Navy cheap.  However, you can advise your stylist of what your budget is.  I DID NOT do this for the first trunk but Maddy and I had a talk about budget for the second trunk.  She did include items with a wide range of price for my first trunk though.  You review your trunk and approve it before it sends.  So if there’s something you really don’t like you can just ask her to change or remove it.



Without further ado, here’s my first trunk!


This was my favorite outfit by far. I really didn’t think this color would work for me but it did! But what you can’t see is that this dress is not totally zipped in the back (football shoulders & chest remember).  The poor zipper completely stopped right about my shoulder blades.  And this super awesome blazer, yeah it wouldn’t button (stupid boobs) But hey the shoes fit and were fabulous! Look at my legs!  Maddy did warn me that the heel was high and we could go with something a little lower next trunk.  After about 30 minutes of strutting around in them for this shoot, the balls of my feet were KILLING me.  So I sadly put them back in the trunk.

Eliza J Ruched Sleeve Blazer $78  Size L

Eliza J Sheath Dress  $148 Size 12

Kate Spade NY ‘infinity and beyond’ knot necklace $58

Kate Spade NY infinity and beyond knot earrings $48

Splendid Jayla Ankle Cuff Sandal $157.95 Size 10

Total Outfit Cost $489.95 which is a pretty penny BUT the blazer, necklace, earrings, and nude shoes are essential pieces that can be worn numerous ways and with numerous outfits.  I would definitely say that those are worth the price.


I liked the fit and look of this Adrianna Papell dress but it was a little TOO dressy for me.  I couldn’t kneel in it very well so it wouldn’t really be good for much of anything for me. And at $145 it’s not worth the price.  I did love it though and this one did fit.  It wasn’t very lumpy girl friendly though.  Strategic lighting is the only thing that made this dress look well fitted on my frame. BUT THOSE SHOES!!!!



This was cute AND the skirt was swingy. Made me want to twirl around in it like a kid. Unfortunately, again, this wouldn’t zip all the way up. Which made me sad because the shape really balanced out my shoulder to hip ratio. The top was a crop top.  The ONLY thing it would work with was this skirt because I am so not going to be running around with my not so flat belly hanging out.  So not an essential piece.

Eliza J Pleated Faille Midi Skirt Size 12 $138

Kate Spade NY open stitch sleeveless sweater $118


This outfit didn’t really flatter my shape and made me look boxy and short (which it may not have if I could have buttoned the blazer) but those BOOTIES omg they are to die for and so so comfy.  Unfortunately, they are also Vince booties and are $395 so unless I hit the lottery I don’t play or I beg for them for Christmas from my fiancé back in the box they go. Also these pants were super comfy but that hole…..  Yeah I can’t wear anything with holes.  They last about a month before the holes are ripped open even further from all the squatting. I liked the print and color of the top but again with the boobs. It didn’t fit very well.  I did love the jacket & jean combo. Although with my body shape, dark on top and light on bottom works better for me. This would make a great business casual outfit without holes.

Rag & Bone Jean Destroyed Capri Skinny $225 Size 12

Kate Spade NY Hydrangea Print layered silk tank $228 Size L

Vince Harriet Block Heel Bootie $395 size 10


I Loved this linen top and it draped just perfectly on my frame.  But JESUS again with my chest.  The top button gaped and leaving it open like I normally do showed way too much cleavage to call it business anything.  Except maybe business strip club wear? I don’t think my clients (95% female) would appreciate consultations at the local strip club.   So I guess I’ll have to buy one size bigger and have it tailored because….genetics….

Can you tell yet why I need to someone else to do all the clothing hunting for me? You ever get so frustrated that you cry in a dressing room? No? Only me huh……….

Equipment Adalyn Linen Sleeveless Top $94.80

So my take on TC? I think it is absolutely perfect for dressing yourself (and your man) up for special occasions in quality clothing that will last. (Like that family/Engagement photo shoot coming up)  It is also convenient as there is an app from your phone that you can do all of this with.  You can even take photographs of your own wardrobe and add it to your wardrobe on the app so your stylist can assist with matching clothing items to clothing you already have.  Isn’t that awesome!

Maddy says to style your whole family for a photo shoot (including your adult sized child(ren) just create a different account for each person using your sharing code on the first account. Using the same stylist for each account will ensure that she can put together trunks with clothing colors & styles that will compliment each other and any colors you need for your shoot. She says they’re used to wives creating accounts for husbands…go figure!

Would I use it for my everyday blue jeans and t-shirt wear?  No, I can’t see spending that kind of money on something I will wear while digging around in my garden.

I confess, since this trunk, Maddy has given me some great tips for my own cheaper every day wardrobe purchases.  I have been looking at cheaper places like Poshmark to purchase items that Maddy inspired me to wear. However, I will still be using her for my very important styling needs like the conference I’m attending in January!

My Philosophy : Pictures are our way of capturing a sliver of time, a moment, so that we can tell it back to ourselves later. It’s my job to capture that moment for you in all its intensity and beauty so that you can hold onto it through times both bad and good.  My passion is storytelling, I just use a camera instead of a words.
Criss can be found floating around on her  Website,   FacebookInstagram, or Twitter accounts when she’s not running around the house in her cape or digging in the dirt in East Texas.